Advance Bravely (2017)


Golden Blood

7.0 2021

Advance Bravely +Chinese censored adaptation of a bl novel +Yuan Zong, a formal soldier, is now a bodyguard to Xia Yao, a wealthy playboy. In his efforts to help his sister earn Xia Yao’s attention, he himself falls for his charms. Golden Blood: +Thai bl drama +Sky, the son of a wealthy mafia boss, is placed under the protection of Sun. Eventually he falls in love with his bodyguard.

8.5 2018

Action adventure, great fight scenes, with bromance. Guardian is a must watch if you liked Advance Bravely.
The storyline is different though has a similar feeling. Both contain the elements of a bodyguard (though Advance Bravely does not have the friend since childhood part), and a rich main lead.
They are similar because both are chinese censored adaptation of same-sex original work and in both Simon Gong plays main role.
The Untamed

9.0 2019

With The Untamed you have a Chinese drama that manages to turn subtextual bromance into an art form.
History3: Trap and Advance Bravely have a very similar vibe. Trap is pretty much the gay version of Advance Bravely.
I'm recommending this because they have the same author. I'm reading the novels and I think everyone should as well. It took me so long to finish Addicted's novel because I would always need time to recover after every other chapter that I read. Currently, I am reading Counterattack, and it had the same effect on me. I've already secured a copy for Advance Bravely, and I don't know when will I be able to read it.

7.7 2016

I'm recommending this because they have the same author. I'm reading the novels and I think everyone should as well. It took me so long to finish Addicted's novel because I would always need time to recover after every other chapter that I read. Currently, I am reading Counterattack, and it had the same effect on me. I've already secured a copy for Advance Bravely, and I don't know when will I be able to read it.