Drama Special Season 7: The Legendary Lackey (2016)


Both are set in high school and have very over-the-top characters for satirical comedy purposes. Both also have a lot of bromance in them and focus on friendship and school politics/cliques.

7.6 2017

Both are around 60 mins long and revolve around an enemy-to-friends relationship between a new transfer student and the leader of the local school gang. Both are extremely funny and have a fair share of action and violence, as well as characters that you end up loving by the end of the film. The bromance in both is very good as the theme of brotherhood is prominent in both. They're both on youtube so if you're ever bored, these make for great quick watches.
True Beauty

8.3 2020

The two main characters share a similar story, as they had been bullied and then they transfer schools to become popular.

8.4 2023

Very similar concept the beaten-up bullied kid gets mistaken as some dangerous dude. He tries to keep it a secret and while also helping other bullied kids. Its funny and short. It you liked boyhood you might actually like this drama special even more.
Both are in a school setting with all boys. While one is a drama special, the other is a web drama series. They are both similar in bromance and in being funny.
School 2013

8.2 2012

both are about high school 'power dynamics' with handsome boys as main characters and plenty of bromance. Legendary Lackey is just a short fun special while School 2013 is more complex story with more serious side.