Door to Door (2009)


Both are moving drama specials based on true stories about people with two different handicaps. Both find their own way through life, Despite of their troubles and setbacks along the way. Two people Fighting to make others realise that they are just as capable as any other person out there.
Ocean Heaven

7.8 2010

Both young male lead has disability. One is mentally the other one is physically Both movies has a single parent whole hearted raised their son with fresh and tears. Both son was able to stand on their own feet and independent. Lovely heartwarming movies

8.2 2005

Both movies involved single mom raising a physically or mentally challenge son Both mom strongly believed in their son, they fully support their son’s will and ambitious. With hard work, strong will and determination, both young men soar to the success.
When an autism child grown up enter the society and holding a career. They faces certain discrimination, challenging, and social injustice. The single parent unconditioning support is utterly vital. Very good show. Door to Door Japanese movie is a true story
Both movies show a single mom raised an autism child. Mother love, mother will, strong hearted mother to be with the child every moment, every step and stage of the child live.
Both shows feature a disabled man . Although different , they are both heartwarming and full of life lessons .
Good Doctor

8.3 2013

In both shows,a disabled man tries to excel in his field of work despite their disabilities. Both are amazing, cute and heartwarming.
Don’t let your disable or handicap ruin you. Put your heart and soul in, with the help of society, good family support, you can touch others hearts. Both are heartwarming good movies to watch
Another heartwarming 24 hour drama special in which the protagonist has a disease and how he carries out his life.
This is another 24 hour drama special by the same actor Ninomiya. Also an inspirational drama which gves an insight on the life of the protagonist and how he continues to live his life.
37 Seconds

7.9 2019

Both are really good Japanese movies involving very dedicated mother raising a handicap child. The child grew up wanted more then boring life. The determination and strong mind make these two movie one of a kind. A must watch
Both are good Japanese movies involving a single mom work hard to raise her son, wanting him to success. The mother-son relationship is valuable. Heartwarming movie, must watch
Both films are about an handicap young man with beautiful kind hearts raised by single parent. They struggle in life, facing perjury and obstacle, but their determination, dedication and hard work earned many people hearts

7.9 2009

Very strong supportive mom. Mom would do anything for their son. They are protective, they will go beyond, very heartwarming movies