Zebra (2016)


Okay so Zebra is just one of my favorite, go to MESSED UP movie. The gore is just unbelievable and kind of gives you existential dread, but with that dread is more powerful than Project Wolf Hunting where the gore is gratuitous but more guilty pleasure than DISTURBING.

7.2 2015

Beautiful and grotesque at the same time. Both movies are brutal but I still feel the cruelty of Zebra is more scarring and nihilistic where Grasshopper feels more sad and at least Ikuta's character will bring you some respite. That said I still prefer the starkness of Zebra's grotesque world and theres a fundamental difference between Aka and Semi -- Semi is more self-mutilating, kills because it's a job, where Aka is more self-aggrandizing, kills because it's also fun.
Final Life

6.8 2017

Zebra is way more grotesque and brutal but Final Life is tragic and pretty gruesome. BROMANCE heavy and about people struggling to fight darkness.
Double Mints

6.8 2017

same kind of darkness with dosis of violence and sex, zebra is more dark and about ambition and revenge while Double mints is more about a sick kind of love
Both films are about criminals and gray characters with heavy bromance but Zebra is extremely dark and violent, downright off putting in its violence (which I LOVED lol) and Wilderness is somewhat tamer.
- slightlyyy fruity - very little female characters - the fruitiness of the characters is an important factor overall - gory - adapted from a manga - that one character that it feels illegal to like so much despite them being vv fvcked up - same vibeeeee ykyk - both the main actors (furukawa yuuki n ryo ryusei) were the main characters in 'restart after come back home' not really relevant but ok