Good Morning Call (2016)


About a girl who lives with a guy/guys, and ends up finding love. Both are Japanese dramas with light, fluffy, comedic and heartwarming moments.
Koe Koi

7.3 2016

Both of these dramas are about high school students have have a cutesy feel as well as supportive friends. Both have shared actors - Sakurada Dori and Shiraishi Shunya!
Similar story: The main character and the most popular boy from her school end up living together. It's also really lighthearted and cute.
It remind me of this drama with similar story line of group of adults who got friends opposite sex & they all try overcome obstacles & hardship in their friendship. Starring famous Japanese actor & actresses.
Due to family circumstances, high school student Miko Sonoda is forced to live at her uncle's boarding house. However, before she can arrive there, Miko is already met with a bad omen: while trying to find the place, she suspects that someone is following her! When her uncle comes to her rescue, the assumed stalker happens to be one of his tenants, leaving Miko embarrassed on her first day. Miko learns that she will be living with five unique adults, including the accused man. Additionally, it turns out that he is Jun Matsunaga, a 29-year-old designer who seems to lose his temper easily. Having made such a humiliating first impression, Miko believes that only a miserable life awaits her. But in the presence of Jun, she comes to realize that living with adults is not so difficult after all—and there may even be enough room for romance.