Kazoku no Katachi (2016)


Both drama has Ueno Juri and Tanaka Kei in it. They both focus on the main leads with no intention to marry. Female lead is living one of her parent and the story focuses on how they living with their parents. Both focuses on the family aspect and marriage ideology. Jizoku Kanona Koi Desuka focuses more on romance, but Kazoku no Katachi focuses more on family.
It has the same family vibe that Tokyo Bandwagon and at the relationship between father and son is also similar.
Both male lead's personalities are similar and the stories are the same premise
Both are about people making friends and connection, with a main character who is introvert and unsociable.
Fake Couple

7.3 2015

Both are family dramas about people slowly coming out of their shell. Fake couple deals with different forms of love in addition
both dramas are family comedy/drama with similar vibes. Also Nishida Toshiyuki plays the father in both.
Both are family shows. There is comedy and lessons to learn. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Ultimately Saigo kara nibanme no koi is a family drama, so Kazoku no Katachi is very similar in their family interactions. If you felt Saigo kara nibanme no koi is lacking on the romance side you will find Kazoku no katachi fulfilling in this side.
- Family-oriented - Love interest is also a friend, at first gets exasperate by the MC but is always there for support and advice - Someone dear dies - It is very heartwarming
"Kazoku no Katachi" aborda temas de família e identidade, mas sob uma ótica contemporânea, com foco em personagens que enfrentam as expectativas da sociedade enquanto tentam encontrar seu próprio caminho em um mundo em constante mudança.