Local Hero (2016)


Both of the dramas give of the same vibe and both dramas are from OCN.
Two Cops

7.8 2017

Both are based on finding out about the corruption within the police force which was interesting. Local Hero focused more on spying and secret agents whereas Two Cops blends the use of conmans and cops working together to achieve a greater goal.
Both involve the main character suffering an injustice and end up buying a bar/pub. It has similar instances of fighting against a larger power with a small group of friends they gain by work in their bar/pub. The feel of the dramas are quite different with Local Hero having more emphasis on the action/fighting while Itaewon Class has more focus on friendship and youth but the overarching themes of fighting for justice and placing your trust in some friends are similar.
1- both ML have been well trained agents 2-it starts the same ( drama started with how they got into fighting the bad 3-both ML have slightly romance with FL 4-in both dramas are ML working with other leads like a squad
City Hunter

8.3 2011

Women that need to be saved? Check. Masked heroes ? Check. Sexy main leads ? Check. Fighting scenes ? Check. Secret agents and revenge? Double Check.

8.8 2014

Very similar vibe, with touches of romance, mysteries bringing people from various background together, and the cinematic and captivating action sequences!

7.5 2020

Both are based on revenge and injustice practiced towards the main leads from the ones they trusted. Firece villains and their psychopathic attitudes. Fight scenes ?? Both dramas teach the importance of teamwork and friendship with people you meet by coincidence. They show that date will bring you the right people to trust at the right time. Both dramas show that trusting people who we work with will lead to a true friendship and support Wall.