Rookie Agent Rouge (2016)


You will see a different Zhao Li ying here. There will be a lot of ZLY and ofcourse her amazing drama skills. Of all the ZLY dramas I've watched this one is my favorite next to Journey of Flower.
Same Period of time. Both main leads are wise. The thing is Zhao Liying is in it. She trains to be a spy, to get near the male lead.
They are really similar in terms of plot, there's a lot of cute romance scenes along with intense spy missions, schemes and plot twists. The main characters plays a similar role too, a rich girl that becomes poor and gets sucked into the espionage/political affairs. In both dramas I felt there was a good amount of romance to balance out all the political stuff, but even those parts are interesting too. I recommend watching both of these drama!
Both are Chinese patriotic spy stories, where action takes plays in the Japanese-occupied Shanghai. Both economize on the number of actors very much but both have some suspense and successful twists in the spy plot.
Similar story setting although different plot. Female lead in both dramas act mature and not annoying. RAR has a darker, more serious theme and not so much focused on romance. Not sure what else to say to come up with 100 words so they'll take the recommedation. Nevertheless, I recommend that you try RAR to see if it's your cup of tea.
Both dramas are about japanesse ocupation and in both of them you can find beautiful love story.... but what i loved most about these dramas is that even if it had a love but did not get lost in it... i just loved watching their fight for independence... Also in both dramas characters just rocks. Of course Chicago typewriter is better drama, but Rookie agent rogue is great drama on it´s own way.

7.9 2009

Fabulous Acting. Great Storyline. Spy Thriller. Though Rookie Agent Rouge is set in the 1930s. Rookie Agent Rouge is AMAZING though and you won't be disappointed if you give it a try.
Fall in Love

8.4 2021

Same era and both have smart leads. Several similar story lines. Both highly recommended. Fall in love has more focus on romance. Agent rouge is more politics with romance mixed.
Mr. Sunshine

8.9 2018

Both revolve around Japanese occupation of different countries, and are based on female leads who are privileged but also want to do something to change the state of affairs in their countries.
historical setup | female lead spy | male lead military background | conflict between two thoughts right or wrong | secret mission | hidden identity | mission or love .
Both story take place at the same period of time and deal with resistance against japanese occupation. The relationships develop in a quit similar way. The lead person goes undercover and sacrifice things for the mission. I felt like Rookie Agent Rouge is a kind of female version of Bridal Mask.
Cruel City

8.5 2013

- Both mains are undercover agents - Rookie Agent is set in a different time period, it's interesting contrasting them - Romance is a side story in both, it is less present in Cruel City - Both mains are in the police force - Both highlight the sacrifices made by undercover police and their tough lives
Both female leads are smart and strong and well genius The male leads are both also smart And if it counts both the female leads are by the same actress.
Agent X

7.4 2013

Rookie Agent Rouge has a very similar plot to agent x. There is many parts of the rookie agent rouge that reminds me of Agent x. Both female protagonist does what they think is right and fights for there country while both male protagonist helps the female protagonist grow with a bit of romance in both dramas.
Republican era drama setting with Japanese x Chinese war as background. There is thin line to define who is your friend and who is the traitor.