Go Away Mr. Tumor! (2015)


If you liked the Thai remake of 'Go Away Mr Tumor' movie, you might try watching the original Chinese movie. Hope you enjoy!
Love Phobia

7.2 2006

Both female lead discover they have illness. Sick and love. Romance remain strong. Trying to stsy strong. Male lead supportive
Both movies make you laugh and make you cry Dying but still have romantic thought. Can he or her last wishes come true?
Both are Chinese movies Both are about the main lead has terminal illness but having romantic thought. Both movies make you laughs and make you cry

7.6 2020

The female lead knowing self having illness. Even thought they strongly in love with the male lead, they have the physical disadvantage. The male lead stay supportive, but
The female lead in both movies have terminal illness. Although one is musical the other one is humor, both beautiful female leads played their roles beautifully.
Female leads in both movie has terminal illness. Beautiful movies. Heart warming…………….. romantic love story
Dun reminded me of a supporting character in Scent Of A Woman. She was the female lead's roommate at the hospital and she also had a crush on her doctor and she was quite positive like the lead here. Now that I think about it, she also made cartoons about her handsome doctor and about her life in the hospital. OMG was she based on the same person?! That is plagiarism (I think). Anyways, if you liked this movie, you would probably enjoy the drama too, as it deals with a cancer patient living life to the fullest.
Sweet movie, singer woman, fantasy love, self realization, love, dignity, friendship, cruel actualization, hash reality
First Time

8.1 2012

Both female leads has terminal illness. Both are Chinese movies Both movies has some silliness, heart-warming moment.