Mother (2009)


Miss Baek

8.2 2018

Both are mystery thriller. Both are quiet intense. Very strong female lead. Instinct to protect the child. What is right or wrong to do. Quite disturbance …

8.2 2005

Mother’s Love, Mother’s care, determination. Low IQ son, functioning, social injustice, Brotherhood, influences, care, family
Mother’s Love, Mother sacrify, Life struggle, poverty, society, friendship, inner feeling, guilt, tough, determination, single mother,
Both are thriller movies by Bong Joon Ho that show violent detectives that are abusive during interrigation, feature a character with a disability (in Mother its the mc and in Memories of Murder a side character) who is accused of being the murderer of (a) girl(s). They leave you guessing till the end.
The plot of both movies are nothing alike, but both movies gave me that mindfucked effect which is really quite unpleasant but does not take away the enjoyment from the story. Enjoy!

8.4 2010

If you liked this drama you would also like this one cause both will give you the same vibe, you'll get to feel the affection of a mother to her child and that mothers can do anything for them. And the twists are also mind-blowing!
both tell about the struggle of parents to free their children from the cases that happened to them. they fight every way so that their children do not become criminals. the ending of the two films both leave the same feeling. and also both movies played by chun woohee
Both movies are about a mom and a son’s relationship. Both are mystery thriller. Strong female lead. A mom would do anything for their son
Door to Door

8.1 2009

Very strong supportive mom. Mom would do anything for their son. They are protective, they will go beyond, very heartwarming movies