Cheese in the Trap (2016)


Its been many months since Cheese in the Trap but finally got same feels from another male lead, Xing Zhao Lin.
In both dramas a guy has difficulty to express his feelings towards a girls, which leeds to misunderstandings. In both cases guys are seen as "psychopaths" by some people and there is a development in relationship from hate.
Both are psychological drama's that deal with with serval different types of personalities. The male leads are both dark mysterious chaebols. The female leads are caring and seek to try to understand and love the male lead.
Reply 1997

8.4 2012

The stories and themes are very different, but I like the two for the same reasons -- these dramas portray what it's like to be young in a way that feels very real (although they're 2 different age groups: R1997 is more highschool whereas CIT is college), their female leads are extremely relatable, and both are "slice of life" dramas that still manage to have heart-fluttering, yet realistic, romance. Also I love the female lead's best friend in both :^p ! The two dramas use flashbacks in a way that makes the story more intruiguing, instead of redundant. Finally, both dramas are tvn, so they have that slightly indie, less polished vibe, and target a young audience without being too fluffy or flaky.
Spring Waltz

7.4 2006

Spring Waltz is a classic, older dramas and one of the famous Four Seasons. Although CITT is a comedy, it has some darker elements that remind me of the classic Spring Waltz. They're similar in the sense that they male lead id cruel to the female in the beginning and ignores her, making life tough. Later in the drama, they both come to realize they made a mistake and fall for the female leads. Both can be intense and misleading.
In both dramas there is a hate/love relationship between the main characters. Also in both, male lead is kind of creepy and scary at times.
Age of Youth

8.5 2016

Both dramas take place in a university setting and have a slice-of-life feeling. Although Age of Youth follows the everyday lives of a group of girls, one of the main girls resembles the female lead in Cheese in the Trap (in terms of being timid but not weak).
Secretary Kim has similar vibes to the romanace and comedy, taking on a more refreshing approach of the typical bad/cold guy thrope. However, Cheese in the Trap incorporates more of the sinister sides of liking someone with a hard to deal with personally while Sceretary Kim is more in the romcom sphere.
The Heirs

7.6 2013

In both dramas the two main male leads (also childhood friends) are fighting over a female in a rich-poor society circumstances.
Both dramas are refreshing and both deal with different aspects of life rather than only concentrating on the main couple.
Both male leads pretend to be nice and kind in the public, but they're nothing like that - they're more sinister than anyone would think so.

8.0 2022

One of the male leads in Blueming has a similar vibe about him as the male lead in Cheese in the trap, both are portrayed as being perfect and untouchable but also manipulative. Both shows are based on webtoons.
Both of these dramas feel very similar: college/university life, social problems, bullying, misunderstandings and betrayals.
Both male leads hide their dark sides behind a friendly facade. As the drama progresses that mask starts to slip.

8.8 2014

If you want some more mystery and thrill, Healer has it too.... Thou it's outside school but, romance is over the roof!!.. Combined with action and comedy..... Great OST's too.... It's enjoyable to watch...