Dearest (2014)


Both movies are based on real life stories about Chinese parents and their abducted children. Both abductions have to do with child trafficking, which is a major problem in China. In both of these movies parents are portrayed that in the movie are still searching for their child but in real life have finally found their son back after years of searching!
Both movies are about parents looking for their kidnapped son in China.

9.1 2013

Both involve loving parents. Busy lifestyle and the young innocent child went “wrong”. Both parents were feeling guilty trying to fix the problem but the story went beyond their imagination. Both are true story happen in rural area
Very strong hearted, stubborn, strong will female lead, the mother. A mother would do anything for the child.
Complicated birth parents and adopted parents. The young man grew up with more then one parents. …..
Midnight FM

7.8 2010

Involved young innocent child got kidnapped. Motherly love. Devastating news. Did her best to recover the child back
Very stubborn and brave farmer lady. Strong will, strong believe, persistence, goal oriented. Have a claim that not work for the law and order, but can the rules bend for her? Can she achieve her mission?
Powerful movie involve motherly love. Strong female lead trying so hard to protect the youngster. Resilient and never give up.

7.6 2021

Both shows moneys love. Both shows a woman can get emotional so attach to the the young child. The natural motherly love.
Die heart motherly love. Stubborn, perservarence, strong will, a young vulnerable child involved. Worth watching
Parents love to their child are powerful. Whether they are ill, abnormal or separated. They don’t give up. Heart warming movie
-Parents searching for missing child -Chinese language film -Child abduction
Both movies about parent and child. Both are Chinese movie that protract parenting love It appeared to be a long ride the reunited them They went through hardship
-Parent's unrelenting searching for missing child -Child abduction
Both movies has the same genre, that is the mothers love. A mother would do anything for her son. They are persistence, determination, stubborn… one is fiction the other one is true story.