Resurrection (2005)


Green Rose

7.2 2005

Revenge theme...Both have main characters changed identity with a romance remains at the back seat of the story...
In both dramas, one of the brother wants to get revenge for his brother.
Your Honor

8.0 2018

Resurrection also involves a switch of twin brothers who are the lead characters due to circumstances . 1.Both leads are twins 2. Both are living different kinds of lives
1. Both leads are twin brothers 2. Both leads roles get switched 3. Both come from different types of world (Rich/Poor)
I think plot sounds similar only a little - Twin Brothers meet years later - doppelganger identity switch as original has to impersonate his other identical twin who died instead of his place - ML is a Prosecutor ( 1st he is an ordinary person but later he had to show others he is the other twin) - plenty of twists, thriller

8.1 2015

I think plot sounds similar only a little - doppelganger identity switch as Poor FL has to impersonate the other identical person as she died - plenty of twists, thriller
Five Fingers

7.4 2012

I just like revenge dramas! And if you are like me, you'll like this too.

7.8 2007

Uhm Tae Woong is stellar in both productions. Even more of a reason, both dramas are written and directed by the same crew.
I think plot sounds similar only a little - doppelganger identity switch as original has to impersonate his other identical instead of his place - ML is a cop ( 1st he is a cop but later he had to show others he is the other twin) - plenty of twists, thriller