Pride and Prejudice (2014)


Both dramas deal with the law. Pride and Prejudice focuses on the prosecutors whereas You're All Surrounded focuses on the detectives. In both dramas the OTP has history involving a crime in the past.
Both dramas are set in the prosecution field, with a backstory that made the leads work in the law field. Both gave the same kind of feeling, with the main couple wanting to be together, but also too many things between them. Both have cute moments and intense moments!
- The characters in both dramas are smart and proactive. - There are morals to the drama. - The crimes in the drama are fascinating and interesting - Both dramas consist of prosecutors who are aspired to solve cold cases.
Both are procedural drama , that are well executed and written. They both clearly stand alone in there genre with IHYV taking the procedural action of incorporating a supernatural twist. But other than that they are two dramas that you will not want to miss.

8.8 2017

Both have corruption in law enforcement. Pride and Prejudice: is faster moving with more action. The prosecutor trying to uncover the man who cover up the murder of her younger brother. She believes it could only have been done by a fellow prosecutor. Eventually she gets help from co-workers to solve this case after realizing it is connected to a couple of other cases that have come across their desks. Stranger: is developing the story a little more slowly. One cop and one prosecutor work together after realizing they have no one in their own departments to trust. The case that brings them together may be related to higher ups in both of their departments. The prosecutor is unable to feel emotion and is balanced out by the cop who is motivated by her feelings of sympathy for the victims and victims families.

8.7 2017

Both dramas deal about prosecutors, family murder and in both dramas the main leads try to find out what truly happened that lead them to be in the current situation.

8.9 2016

Both Signal and Pride and Prejudice have a lead who went into law enforcement (cop/prosecutor)to find the truth/get justice for a family member that was murdered/falsely accused. Both dramas have leads that tackle cases as part of a close knit investigative unit. The cases seem to be unrelated but are in fact all related to a greater conspiracy connected to the death of the leads family member. There are dirty cops/corrupt prosecutors in both. Great chemistry between the younger and older generations in the workplace. .

8.2 2012

Similar vibe. Both involve detective work and crime/law aspects.
both revolve around prosecution and crime solving and shows some of the grey areas in law enforcement!

8.1 2014

both are dramas set in the prosecution offices and both tackle corruption and inner battles.
(in both dramas)The murder of a family member in their youth causes one of the leads to pursue a career in law enforcement.... they end up working on a case that connects to their own family murder...