Smiling Pasta (2006)


Full House

7.7 2004

Smiling Pasta is a Taiwanese remake of Full House. In Full House the media is playing a much smaller role than in Smiling Pasta. It's great, so try it out!
King Flower

7.0 2013

Even though these two dramas didn’t have a similar plot other then a poor girl whose family owns a shop with a richer guy. I got the same type of vibe watching both of these. The female lead’s family in both dramas were both tight knit. Smiling Pasta definitely was my favorite out of the two.
King Flower

7.0 2013

I kept feeling like I was watching Smiling Pasta while watch this drama. They sort of have a similar plot. A girl pretending to be the fiance of a rich when she come from a poor family and she is in love with someone else.
About dating an idol and the problems that come with it. The difference is that in Smiling Pasta they're in a fake relationship and learn to accept each other, while in Twenty Years old they face difficulties with others accepting their relationship.
Fun to watch, totally recommended. I really enjoyed it but there is no disguising concept. Still attracts us with the lovely family characters.
If you enjoyed the dating a Celebrity set up, where they have to be careful of paparazzi and over-stepping fans, each of these does it well. Also if you enjoyed the families of lead you will love the females very supportive family and the male lead struggling with theirs, further finding the warmth of family with the FL

7.1 2009

It has the same main story line! Celeb and a normal girl! But the feel to the dramas are totally different! Anyhow if you watched (liked) one of the dramas you'll love the other one! ^^
it is also a light fun drama. I would recommend to anyone searching to watch romance.
this drama targets the same audience. Light romantic work. i thing you might like it better than smiling pasta.