The Whistleblower (2014)


Deep, truth to be told. Bring down the powerful big guy at the top, good cop/reporter, scarify, ugly plot, corruption,
Hidden truth, truth to be told, human dignity, surviving, innocent, unify, humanity, scandal, corruption, political coverage
Both movie involve someone within the big cooperation review the truth to the public. It takes courages and bravery. Well done
Juror 8

8.4 2019

Both movie involve justice. Take bravery and courage against the other norm. Speak the truth, the hard truth, the hidden truth, heartwarming movie
That one eyewitness, take courage and bravery to tell the truth. The public trust. The society innocent and cruelty. Justice system break down
The truth needs to be told. Public needs to know the truth. The power of media. What about fake news?
Both were working high level corporation. Both male lead stand for the truth, refused corruption, true to self. Brave and strong mind
Both are whistleblower. Storyline a little different. Whistleblower always taking high risk, risking of losing job, revenge. It takes courage and moral conscious to be a whisherblower

7.5 2022

Both Korean movies involved a courageous man to make public awareness and obtain public support and take down a corrupted evil corporation. It takes courage, bravery and strong will to fight with powerful irresponsible big business
Both Korean topic hit the illegal organ harvesting. Very scary organization trick or forced or even killed poor women for their organ. It takes brave men to stop this illegal organized crime