Nika and Arata and all their friends find part-time jobs to help out their fellow classmate Kimoto who lost his night classes tuition money and can't afford to pay the tuition. Nika and Arata are able to find a job together at a burger place but in order to avoid sexual harassment from the owner they dress up as their 'OFF' modes to find their good looks. However, things backfire when they meet Manager Nito who supervises the restuarant. Nito is mean and cruel to all employees, but Nika and Arata don't cower like the other employees which only makes Manager Nito escalate to the point where one night Nika is locked in the freezer with no one else in the store. Meanwhilr, you see Kimoto struggle privately about everyone helping him collect the money because the story he told is not truthful, the true reaason isn't discovered yet.