The Untamed (2019) Episode 9

Season: 1

Aired: July 01, 2019

Rating: 9.4 /10 (by 69 users)


Wen Qing arrives in time to lure the puppets away and Jiang Cheng has seemingly came with her too. After Wen Qing reveals that killing the loitering owl is the only way to break the Stygian Tiger Seal's spell, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi goes to fight the bird while the forest is shrouded with thick fog. The two then join the others at a burial mound, which Wen Qing explains belongs to her sect, a subgroup of the Wen sect that specialises in medicine. Afterwards, Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi try to interrogate Wen Qing about the truth of why the Heavenly Lady statue suddenly consumes human's soul. But Wen Qing does not want to disclose and leaves the party to return to the Nightless City. With her efforts to save them being known to Wen Chao, Jiang Cheng worries for her safety, but Wei WuXian says that they will all meet each other again eventually. The remaining four then arrive in YueYang and receive news of the mysterious disappearance of the YueYang Chang sect. After the Stygian Iron reacted violently, they, void of Nie HuaiSang, immediately go to investigate. (Source: Wikipedia)