Addicted (2016) Episode 12

A False Alarm

Season: 1

Aired: February 19, 2016

Rating: 9.1 /10 (by 27 users)


At Luo Yin's house, Gu Hai presents gifts for Luo Yin's family. At school, Luo Yin learns that in an upcoming medical examination, which includes genital observation, they will have to undress. Worries that Gu Hai will see him naked, Luo Yin asks the vice-monitor not to put them in the same group. However, during the medical exam, he ends up being examined at the same time as Gu Hai. Gu Hai and You Qi take the opportunity to gaze over Luo Yin's body. Upon leaving the exam, the vice-monitor tells Luo Yin that the preliminary tests reveal he has hepatitis, which alarms Luo Yin. At Gu Hai's apartment, Luo Yin tells Gu Hai the news but he does not take it seriously, to Luo Yin's anger. Gu Hai reacts by hugging him and comforting him with a promise to take him to the hospital. After dinner, Luo Yin takes a shower and, only covered with a towel, asks Gu Hai for pajamas. Gu Hai, seeing him practically naked, becomes aroused. Gu Hai affectionately reproaches him that, by undressing in front of him, he has voluntarily seduced him. They end up doing a sexual activity together after which Gu Hai tells Luo Yin that he has been charming and very hot. Hugging Luo Yin, Gu Hai promises to shower him with love and affection. The next morning, in class, the vice-monitor tells Luo Yin in the presence of Gu Hai that it turns out Luo Yin does not have hepatitis but actually the antibodies to the disease. The vice-monitor ends up receiving a punch from Gu Hai who blames him for having ruined the plan to become more physically intimate with Luo Yin. You Qi offers Luo Yin to come to his family home for the weekend. Gu Hai, jealous, asks Luo Yin to accompany him to buy furniture instead. Luo Yin, much to Gu Hai's satisfaction, rejects You Qi's offer. Annoyed, You Qi vents his anger on Yang Meng. At night, at Luo Yin's house, Gu Hai and Luo Yin study for the exam. To encourage Gu Hai, Luo Yin tells him that if he does not master the subject, he will end up sleeping in his father's room. The next day, on the way to school, Gu Hai admits that his savings have dramatically dwindled by not wanting to accept money from his father. Luo Yin comes up with an idea for a quick buck.