Splendid Politics (2015) Episode 8

Season: 1

Aired: May 05, 2015

Rating: 8.3 /10 (by 3 users)


Princess Jeong Myeong adopted to the new surroundings concealing her identity earns her wings by the sulfur mine owner. She wins his confidence again as she helps to traffic impure sulfur to a merchant from Joseon. A leader of the group who Hwai questioned orders his subordinates to dump all sulfur lumps into the sea on their way back. Gwang Hae orders Joo Won to smuggle sulfur into the country from Japan where he will be sent as a member of Joseon Tongsinsa (a specific type of diplomatic delegation and its chief envoys from Joseon to Japan). Hwai decides to go together with the mine owner and Ja Kyung for sulfur traffic in Edo to find a member of the Joseon diplomatic delegation can help her to go back to the country. In Edo, Hwai searching for a man from Joseon finds Joo Won and his man waiting for a smuggler in a tavern.